• Writing

    My Nerdy 60% Rule

    In life… in money. Wait what the hell did I just say money? I mean, we all love the idea of having money, and it’s good when you can add to your collection of wonderful nerdy stuff. I could, maybe…

  • blogging

    Nerdy Blogger and Vlogger?

    The one thing I have experience with is failure. I start things, (almost anything will do- but, no matter how hard I try I get bored. It’s true, and the lack of boredom makes for an acute case of stupidity,…

  • blogging,  Writing

    Do You Nerd?

    Let’s be a bit clear… okay a lot clearer. I’m somewhat of a wannabe, everything. For a while it was all about the writing business. Good idea, great plan except I suck at anything which remotely seems like a writing…

  • blogging

    Business With Google?

    Let’s argue that you have or use the Google AdSense Affiliate Program on your blog.   Have you thought hard about how to improve them in many ways to earn more income. In this business it is not “do or…

  • Writing

    Writing As a Battle- Or Not

    We’ve all been through times when it feels that writing is a battle.   In all honesty, it’s not a battle to get the words on paper, or computer, it’s something that is sticking in your mind that is making…

  • blogging

    Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

    Let’s get real.  Let’s be honest.   I’m a writer, and a blogger, and a YouTuber, and I have Twitter and Facebook, and all that lovely stuff.  I’m proud of my work and what I have done.  Except honestly, I’m…

  • blogging

    Compassionate Blogging And Writing

    We all do it.  That moment, that awful moment we’d love to take back. I’m not writing about the intent to be mean, or to be less than compassionate, and on the Internet there is a lot of hurtful comments…