More Money More?
So kill me, or make me feel a lot older than I am, but I still feel that song “mo’ money mo problems” and, this is for the most part I think it is somewhat, or really very, wrong. I’m…
Nerdy Blogger and Vlogger?
The one thing I have experience with is failure. I start things, (almost anything will do- but, no matter how hard I try I get bored. It’s true, and the lack of boredom makes for an acute case of stupidity,…
Mind Blown, Just a Writer.
Have you ever had a moment where no matter what you do or say nothing will change? No matter if you changed your style, your dress, your attitude it’s not quite right? You don’t have the strong feeling that you’ve…
Is Writing Easy? (True Story)
Part of what makes writing- for the non-writer or the want to be famous writer is the part of the planning to get to where they want to go. There are countless self-help books out there on how to become…
Are You Making Money Writing Blogs?
Writers need to have a blog in this age of the Internet. It’s the law of the jungle that the more you have the easier it becomes- to make money to build a successful business, to have fun in life.…
What Is The Definition of Leadership?
Leaders in the writing field, leaders in the office, leaders who don’t have a position. There are hundreds of book out which talk about ‘leaders’ or ‘servant leaders.’ There are many great people who are willing to mentor others and…
Organized, Passionate and Earning Income?
Write with passion, publish a great blog post, and then… Write a blog Don’t wait around and see what will happen, do another post. It’s hard to take into account how much effort a blog post will take, and most…
What Is the Key to Success?
What is the key to success? Is it AdSense or Writing? The key to success is not thinking about money right away but providing a strong product and website to your readers. The first step is looking at the content…