• Publishing

    Writing Great Blog Posts

    When writing and publishing a fine blog post you need. to publish it.  When you want a great blog post, you need more. Write out a good blog post on paper What do I need to publish something great? First,…

  • Leadership

    Leaders Write Goals

    A leader is a writer. A leader doesn’t always publish what they write, but they do write.  The biggest challenge is being someone who can clearly write down information, or ideas.  Not only goals, but the vision of what they…

  • Leadership

    Leaders Research

    Research and leadership go hand in hand. Research is vital for success at any level, and even more so when you are a leader. I could not explain how important it is until I did more of it, and learned…

  • Publishing,  Writing

    Writers Are Powerful

    Writing is Powerful.  You are Powerful.  Powerful writing comes from the heart. This feeling is unique for each writer but, in a nutshell, a writer is powerful because they believe in their work.  The best way to describe a great…

  • Writing

    Publishing, SEO, and Blogs

    Writers, myself included, want to be recognized for their hard work that they do.  They want to have books published, and their names in print, and they want to have that now. the blog cloud It’s great most people want…