Blogging as “A Content Matter”
A newly published book will take you along a journey, but now, there is a thing called content creation. For some this means a lot of soul searching. Get those “X” followers to a blog, and get some people, something anything!
It’s just you need a blog, and a YouTube channel to boot and there is work life balance.
It makes my head hurt.
For example, writing a blog takes effort, and as a writer, this can take time away from working on the next book, or article which can earn income faster. As writers, we need the Internet, and social media, otherwise, unless you are a big name, you don’t have consistent income. Which then means less time, and content for your people to read. So, back to balancing the life you want with the income you currently have.
Add a life called “friends and family” and the world just doesn’t slow down.
Why do writers blog?
Let’s be honest we blog because it’s another way to have people find us. Or, more specifically our content. So, why do writers blog?
*A blog has something for everyone, but the reality is it’s something for your audience. Knowing the market will help you focus, and help you with your writing too.
*A writers blog is dynamic and ever changing. It’s what content creation is about. It’s not fun to not get a bunch of people reading your stuff but, got to start somewhere.
Those two points are very general. It’s sort of a boring way of looking at things, but it’s true, you want to grow as a writer there is something for you to help. Your content matters, only if you get people to see and buy your content.
A blog is a way to start.
This isn’t the only way but it’s a process, you can add the time for yourself to share and grow what people want. Then you do a bit more research to see what people need. For example, the best content on Rebecca’s Musings is the publishing posts. Except, that with my hiatus I have to look around and see what I can publish and where to get people here.
Content is about publishing on a regular basis and there is a slow process and progress to it. I would imagine I won’t be ‘big’ on the internet for a while, but that doesn’t mean I can’t produce content. It’s not just content but producing something people can enjoy and embrace.
That’s a bit harder.
What works for one person might not for another, but the art of writing is still about being on a creative journey. That journey can also be both analytical and creative. Some days it’s a slog and you wonder what you do it. Some days, you wonder how lucky you are.
Content matters.
A blog is just one branch to go with and one part of the journey. Writers are content creators, and once something is published, it is out of our hands and into yours. In your hands, blogging can become a way of life, and one which makes dreams become reality.
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