The Money Issue
“In theory should I not be able to make more money the more I publish?” The money issue. The writing about anything and wanting to make money with it.The thing which drives every writer mad. Unfortunately, many people in their…
Are You Thinking Big?
This is a business. This is your business. You are the creator of your business. As professional writers, and we’ve all read this so many times, part of your business and creating your business if the art of changing plans…
Do You Have the Money to Self-Publish?
It is disheartening to see any good author fail. It is discouraging to read that many authors don’t make their money back if they self-publish through most of the vanity presses. When I write about money I also include time…
Does Publishing A Book Mean Making Money?
Welcome to the land of success: That day when you open a box and see your newly published book inside. I am certain that you think that you have a money maker right in your hands. You do. This new…
Does How Much Money You Make Define Success?
If you have published a book, or published anything online, there is a topic to which discussion will often turn – or at least one that you will consider: does success mean making money? Money should not define success for…
Why Publishing Isn’t As Hard as You Think: It’s The Marketing
So you’ve published that book? Great. I think you’ve done a great job, but now it’s on to the second one, after all, you’ve told people until you are blue in the face that you have a book out. So…
Writing and Marketing
We write. Then we write some more. After a while it seems that all we do is write. In fact most writers really do not talk about publishing. Even less of these talk about marketing. I think where we do…
Google AdSense and Earning Income
Bars of gold and dollar bills It is about money when you write about Google AdSense. This is a fact of life: We all need money to continue to write- we can’t survive without the income. At the same time…