Why A Writer Needs Networking
A part of the challenge of being a beginning writer is I have a lot of illusions. One of them is that you need to physically see people to know or to get a chance to have book sales, or…
Does a Blog Need a Website?
Are you ready for the website? It might be that you don’t have a book published yet, but you need to have some sort of brand out there that will interest your reader. Otherwise when your book is published, you have…
The Focus on Earning Passive Income
I’ve heard a lot of bloggers write about earning passive income. It’s a good conversation piece. Passive Income will happen when you focus The problem, as I see it, is that it puts the focus on products and services and…
Writing and Tongue Twisters
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could wood? We’ve all heard that these sorts of lines can help your writing. I’ve heard that coming up with these sorts of one liners and writing them down…
When the Writing Doesn’t Fit To Plan
Sit down and type It’s easy to see success in hindsight. Even failures. It’s a lot easier to make plans based on past performance, but if you don’t have past performance to go by, it’s a lot harder to follow…
The Upwards Climb of Writing a Book
A work in progress is a beautiful thing, for a writer who is starting out on the journey of writing a book to be published. It allows you to see how far you’ve come as a writer. It shows you…
What Does It Mean To Be a Writer?
Old fashioned Typewriter still goes well Writers are looked upon as some sort of great thinkers. While we might like to think this is what it means to be a writer, it isn’t. Writers are looked upon as the people…
Words Make a Writer
Learning from Mistakes When you begin the journey of writing, you begin to see how much words can influence your writing. It a lot about you, and a little about everything else. I am a big fan of novels, and…