Big Editing Step For My Self-Published Book
February 26, 2011
I am very excited, as many of you know I have gone through Create Space to self-publish my non-fiction manuscript, and I’ve got my ISBN. I’ve done various methods of editing, but I am pleased to say that after doing major edits myself, and with teh help of others, I am on a new step.
I am going with some professional editors, (first editing) who I hope will help me get my work done faster. We shall see. I am excited about this stage since this means I am one step closer to my dream of becoming a real publsihed author.
Yes, this is a huge leap, but I also know who I am doing my writing for, myself, and my readers. I think that will make a huge difference, since it is about them, and not only me.
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August 8, 2011
That's good to hear. Createspace is the best. Hope to read you're book soon. Do you plan on publishing it on kindle as well?
Rebecca E.
yes kindle as well, and as a few have suggested, I will not sell it at teh same price as that of a paperback book.
It is a great feeling to take these steps.
Fun to 'own' the whole process.
Damaria Senne
Congratulations! This is a very exciting step in your career as an author.
Rebecca E.
thanks Damaria and Al!