Why Writers are Passionate Writers
All writers, be they professional writers, or writers who are just starting out on their journey look to one thing, the one reason why they began to write in the first place. Passionate writers are the ones who dream and…
Can I Write for a Living
Many writers write for a living and most of them are successful. For a new writer, they will ask a question that for some is a yes, and for others is a maybe. Again as a writer writing for a…
Passionate Writing is Important
Writers are strange, or at least to the world we are a bit strange, we pour over our work and analyse others works in hopes to improve our own. We work alone yet value online classes to connect with the…
Make Money With Writing: Four Ways to Freelance
Make money and writing are a big topics in many areas of the online world. People will write about any topic and expect something in return really money really fast. Now, for my own personal view I think money is…
Should My Writing be Valued?
There comes a point in time in every writers life when they ask the question: should my writing be valued? Not only by them but by a wider audience. This is a wonderful and yet, complex, question that has to…
What Makes Writing Important? Three Reasons
Writers have a unique bond with one another, they may not be the same age or live in the same city, or they may not write in the same style. Still there is one thing that they have in common…
Why I Write
I suspect this is a question that needs to be answered at some point in time by every person who intends to write and wants to be a successful writer. I am not about to go into the definition of…
To A Writer, Writing is Important
Would you say writing is important? This is one of the challenges that many writers face on a regular basis they write and they are passionate about what they write. They believe in their writing and they also believe in…