Living a Life of Writing Web Update, Publishing and More
After much debate, and after many years, come tomorrow, Living a Life of Writing will be getting a bit of a make over. After four years of the same design, we have decided that new life needs to come to…
How Much Money Can I Make Writing a Book?
Some people may wonder, how much money could I make as a writer? That question is up to the individual writer- and how much money you can make writing a book depends entirely on the book and how your readers…
When Publishing A Book on CreateSpace
There are a lot of opportunities to go to a self-publishing site and have your books published and distributed for you. One of the most popular publishing places to choose is CreateSpace, owned by the bookseller Amazon, and they will…
The 3 M’s of Selling Your Book From Home
Okay, so you managed to get your book published, but you’re concerned because it doesn’t seem to be selling like you expected. I think we all have this fantasy when we write a book: everyone will want to read…
Are You Following Your Dreams?
The question is simple; the answer is not. I know of too many writers who have made excuses about their writing for many years. I have heard some say that they can not afford to write because they have a…
Four Tips On How To Publish an Ebook on Kindle
Once we have written, and edited our book, we send it off to the publisher and they publish it. The process itself is simple, but it’s time consuming because we want to have the best product out there. Then we…
My First Book Went a Little Like This!
If you’re a writer who is thinking of publishing for the first time, that first book is the most important piece of work you will do in your career. You’re meeting your audience for the first time, and first…
How To Make Money Blogging… Do You Care Enough?
There is no simple way to explain how to make money online or anywhere. You just have to do it, and you have to focus. You have to put in the hours to make what you want to make– or…