Writing is an Art
Writing is an art that I’m still working on. I try.. so here’s a list and you tell me what the next series will be, otherwise I pick out of a hat! Publishing and Vanity Presses– is a vanity press…
Running Out: of Shoes and Paper
Part of what I do to keep myself active is running, and of course a bit of field hockey, but one of the things I’ve noticed is that I’m running out of shoes, I love my pair and I run…
What About a Blog?
Lovely Castle, except for one thing…. like a blog it needs to be kept up or guess what? It goes into ruins.
Why Write A Blog?
Why do I ask this question, I am writing on a blog after all so why even ask? Why wouldn’t one write a blog. It increases online presence, and it is yours, and you can create a business with it…
Publishing A Book: The Basics
The last in our series of publishing a book, so hold on to your hats and here we go. What does it really take to publish a book? If anyone wants to think about publishing a book then what do…
Publishing A Book: The Basics
So we’ve all got dreams one of mine is publishing a book ( well, okay this is a bit of an obvious answer, but what can you say when writing a blog that is about writing?) Still the main thing…
Publishing A Book: The Basics
I suspect we all have it. This “why oh why oh WHY do I write, and want to publish a book? and oh why did I think publishing a book was easy?” I know some of us are forever working…
Publishing A Book: The Basics
If I’m busy writing a book, how long does is it take to write it? It depends, if you mean a first draft… it could take a couple of weeks or a month or two. A second draft is a…