
Publishing A Book: The Basics

I suspect we all have it. This “why oh why oh WHY do I write, and want to publish a book? and oh why did I think publishing a book was easy?”

I know some of us are forever working on our work, currently I’m working on a book on how to blog, one that Christy has graciously offered to read through. I wrote it and was about to send when I had a wonderful thought.

I wish I hadn’t, because it set me back.

Either way, it still means that it is a work in progress and not a big post of “oh my! It a published book you can buy!” Sorry to you all. This is what happens when I get “great” ideas, I suppose it would be easier on me to write something, and then send it and get it edited. Unfortunately for me I’m not that way.

So I outline and then write a first draft and then read it over coming up with a new and better way to write it. Which may or may not involve writing another outline.

Of course I could publish a book on that as well! I won’t though to much on my plate. So how is your book coming along?

My Question For you Today is this: What is your hangup when writing to publish a book? Come up with a better way to write later? Too many outlines? Too much editing? (Yes there is such a thing!) The idea of publishing a book?