Why Write? Why Follow?
Why do you write? Why do you follow certain writers? Why do you love writing? I know easy questions, but I have to ask this, since it seems some people never can answer these questions.
As Jill Said: How To and Writing.
Some people love writing and some people don’t seem to mind writing– they have a gift. Some need a bit of help. As Jill pointed out, even after we’ve learned how to write, we still need to “teach ourselves” in…
Why Write How To…
Why should we write how to books or e-books or things of things nature? Partly because they are a niche market and are a good beginning to writing, and most people will read them in that niche market. Sales might…
Writing a Book is an Art… So is Publishing Non Fiction
I have to admit this writing a book is an art. There is an art to writing it and an art in publishing it. Perfection is a key. Of course I am knee deep into getting my book written, but…
Saturday Email Review
As most of you know I write on hubpages and because of this some comment I am “everywhere” Still there are disadvantages to being “everywhere” mostly because I get some interesting emails: This one comes in regards to writing their…
Writing and Publishing Bitterness
For people who do not write, or who used to write there is a lot of writing and publishing bitterness. What are some of these comments? You make (insert dollars) and you spend (insert time). Why are you wasting it?…
Why Write?
I Write because I love writing. A lot of people love writing, but they forget their goals in the process of writing. I write to teach and to learn about new things, and it is important that my goals never…
Publishing Nonfiction and The Law Of Averages
I liken writing to the law of averages, the average person wants to write a book ( some say the number is as high as 90%) still the law of averages says that only 20% will write a book and…