Do You Write? Or Do You Plan on Writing?
I know… it’s hard. It’s the whole New Year’s thing… The work when everyone else is ready to play or has time off from their day jobs thing. They want to have fun, and they might even think you are being a party-pooper for “working” on your project or your book. You have deadlines — they are on vacation.
I know. I think we all feel it, especially when there is a holiday of some sort where people get together. Family time is important, and there is also that person who needs something done, well, yesterday.
Do you write? Now, not only over the holidays (yes, idea books count!) but do you write in general when you have time after you’ve finished something else?
Answer honestly. I think most people do write, but they don’t really plan specifically to write. When I say plan to write I mean that you talk about writing, you talk about getting something done. You talk about writing.
I believe most people who don’t see success in the writing they do just plan on writing. They have ‘sit down and write’ scheduled for a certain time, but then they find other things to do. They plan to write more the next day, but then don’t get as far as they would like to.
Yes, you do have to plan your writing – outlining, idea books, and many more things of that nature – but you have to take that step, the actual sitting down and typing or writing of the work. That is when you write. If you don’t even get as far as an idea book then, in my mind, you are in “plan to write” mode. This is what allows you to publish your book.
This happens to everyone. I know because the holidays did a turn on many of my plans for writing, but I can say that I am back to writing.
So, do you write or do you plan on writing?
The answer is what living a life of writing is about.
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Damaria Senne
I initially planned to write more creative stuff / on my own projects during the holidays, but it didn't happen. Then I decided to just enjoy the break and deal with it the new year. Still trying to learn that balance between writing regularly and spending time with family and friends.
I try to write whenever I can. It turns out I have more ideas than I do time. For now I stay up way to late and write when everyone else is asleep or on my lunch breaks at work. You can't hold the desire to write back to long or you will break something for sure.