Editors Are The Reason YOU Make Money
What would you be without your editor? Where would you be without a professional editor?
I’ll give you places where I’ve been:
1) Frustrated: I don’t know what I’ve done wrong but there is something wrong. My editor finds it.
2) Dreaming but not doing: I would have certainly stopped. Not writing, but publishing. If I had published, the chances are high I would not make money with my work.
3) Needing Improvement: I’ve improved a lot in my writing. By this I mean that I can see more mistakes. I am also more willing to fix them. All because of my editor.
In my mind there is only one thing to say: editors are the reason you make money. If you have an editor you need to thank them a lot. They will improve your writing. I know that my editor did.
Marlena Cassidy
Editors get a bad rap, but they really are a lifesaver. We owe a lot to them.
Damaria Senne