Frankly, I Don’t Like Certain Vanity Presses
A vanity press sent me their sales pitch… great, just what I wanted, this was AuthorHouse, which I am sure got my email long ago when I was doing my research and looking to find out more information….
No, I am not about to spend 2,999.00 plus costs of editing, and extra proofs to publish anything with them. I don’t have that sort of money.
Which is why time and again you must do your research. I mean this goes beyond your writing, if you want to write a book or a blog, you need to know the ideas behind writing a good book and a blog. I’d sooner spend 2,000 dollars on editing a book than on marketing a poorly written book.
I know some will say you need marketing– you do, but at the same time while some will not like your books, some will, but the best is getting a good review something which people don’t have “preconceived notions.”
For example if you see that the publishers name is say Random House what is your view? The book ought to be good, after all, they edited and marketed and accepted that manuscript. Whereas if you see a book published by iUniverse or AuthorHouse what is your view?
Should you self-publish? Yes, many have done this, but again self-publish with your eyes wide open, and ask questions.
This is why I don’t like certain vanity presses, they don’t make author and writers look good to the readers.
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