No Money?…. Are You Really a Writer? Part 8 of 12
It seems that now that I’m writing about money, I find things about money. I suspect someone will tell me that it’s the law of attraction, but I’m not sure. There are a number of things coming my way. Welcome to all who are new, feel free to lend your voice to this series, and beyond. To my favourite regulars, welcome back, no, I haven’t forgotten about you.
I went to the library yesterday, mostly to do some editing but also to do some research into my book. I’m not liking the” low key” aspect to it, so as Hemingway once said I can’t get the words right, yet. Fortunately, for me this money issue isn’t a big thing or I’d have an ulcer by now. Delays and slowness, and general mistakes (on my part sometimes….) make it hard to get it to where I want it to be.
Then I found it, a book on how to make money as a writer. Okay, now most often, I don’t look at these books, as I don’t like the premise of some of them. This one caught my eye, how to make money as a freelancer, but the best was when I picked it up and flipped through it. It appeared this author did her homework. What as a person just starting out in the writing business can expect. What as a person going beyond a hobby can expect, as person about to step into the freelance world and as a freelancer in their own right can expect.
She writes about time commitments, money commitments, and the balance of writing and family. Of course the deeper you get into something like this the more time you need and the more paying commitments you need to make. She points out the fine art of saying “no” to non-paying work after a while, as everyone does reach that point.
What struck me was by flipping through this book, I got a view of what it takes to work on your writing. A desk, a stapler, envelopes, and of course paper and pens are all a part of the writers job. It takes time, courage, and time to make it as a writer.
Wherever the starting point, this was a good book to flip through, but I doubt you’ll find it anywhere but in the library as it is published in the early 1980s. Still, interesting and enlightening. What we need to do as writers is plan both our life around writing and our money around writing. The biggest thing I got out of this book is that you need passion to write. The second thing is integrity in your writing; never ever ever say something you are not. Oh, and don’t quit your day job unless you know it’s safe to do so.
My Question for today is this: What plans do you have for both your life and your writing life? Do you want to bring it to the next level or just be content with what you have?
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I wnat to take it to the next level, where I make most of my income from books and take on less client work.
I agree with the comment made before mine, it'd be nice to make a living off writing, but its good to be realistic as well. The authors of bestsellers on the shelves busted their butts (in the early days) to get where their at now, so the work ethic is something that (people who write as a hobby) should really build on to get their writing goals met. I'm unemployed at the moment so I really have no excuse, 🙂
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Really and truely they know thier crafts.
I would love to be a writer. I have an ambition to do so and a talent with language and ideas but it is so damn hard to slide all the pieces into place. I have to work in a stifling job just to make ends meet.
I'm definitely going to bring it to the next level, because I don't really have a choice, do I? Writing is all I want to do. I'm not going to sacrifice. As with any passion or hobby (in my case, it's both), it can be monetized. I've done so already, but the only way to go from here is up, so that's what I intend to do.
I'm lucky in that I got an early start, in this respect. I always knew what I wanted to do: be a writer. So, from an early age, I planned my life to include writing as my career. By doing that, it's left me open to taking it as far as I want to. And again, the only way to go from here is up.