Does Editing a Manuscript help get it Published? Part 2 of 12
I mentioned mentors in my last post. So this post I’ll talk about mentors and mentoring. I know a lot of people commented, and at the end of this post, I’ll share some of the best blogs I’ve found, and why.
For me having a mentor is important. I’ve had the unique privilege of working with an editor who is a published author as well. In many ways she is my mentor. She pushed me to the next level and is helpful in telling me when I need to cut something out of my book.
I also use friends who write and write well to look over anything I’ve written. I make sure that I also offer my own reading to them. It help me improve both my writing skills and my reading skills. I think that part of editing is being a good reader. I look for places where my writing is slow, or worst yet, boring and either change it or cut.
My lovely dictionary comes into play, I use both dictionary and thesaurus. They help me with the general editing process. I also love the book self-editing for fiction. I refer to it a lot in my fiction writing. I have a national geographic world atlas that I also refer to. You never know what might come in handy.
As for the best blogs out there here’s my list: ( I’ll continue tomorrow)
Elle Scott’s blog. Not only is she a great writer her blog often cause me to rethink my own. If anyone wants to improve their writing hers is one of the blogs to look at. She updates often, and the comments and content can work for anyone really.
Jennifer Roland’s blog. Great blog, to many good things about this blog. Enough said. Advice that is priceless and rewarding.
These two ladies are ones I wish would mentor me!
Also back to a recommended reading: I’ve mentioned this one a number of times, due to its vivid descriptions and writing.: Beneath a Marble Sky by John Shors. Along with Jack Whyte one of the best books I’ve read.
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May 4, 2009
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August 16, 2009
Thanks for the recommendations. I never really had a mentor for my writing but in the last several months, I’ve joined a critique group and been able to meet with other writers who give me advice and feedback which is very beneficial to my writing!
You offer a great resource for people looking to publish their work. I hope to become good enough and have the time to do it!
Best of luck to you.
Thanks for the support, The second draft is just about compeleted. Some more changes…
I’ve got to thanks rachel ( my editor for that)
Jennifer Roland
Thank you so much, Rebecca. This post completely made my day!