Is Fiction A Type of Fabrication? Part 5 of 10
I know, this blog is a bit late, but life is like that. If you’ve just joined us, see part One to read the email.
I look at fiction as having an element of fun to it. Not that non-fiction doesn’t but, well, fiction just seems that way. Fiction is everywhere, from the morning comics to books in bookstores and online. Sometimes we know, or view it as fiction… and sometimes we don’t.
Take for example, a older literary piece, such as the Old Man and the Sea. Gone with the Wind, is another. There are so many I think that I have lost count. They all have something similar to them. We would never classify them as non-fiction. Yet, we also can see the non-fiction elements within each.
This is because, I believe, the authors knew what they were talking about. Perhaps they experienced the very things they wrote about. They didn’t write within the constraints of non-fiction, but of fiction. The thoughts that each book produced is amazing. I love each work, and have read many of these books. I can say that literary fiction captures my imagination like no other.
I wonder why people don’t seem to think, as this email says, that fiction has a place of value in the world. One where it allows the writer to create something for people to think about and to enjoy and to escape.
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