Is Writing and Publishing a Valuable Part to a Writer’s Life?
This is the questions I ask myself a lot these days. Is writing and publishing a valuable part to a writer’s life? Should it be a part of my life? Is there other methods than writing and publishing? Writing and…
Publishing in My Mind
Dear Traditional Publishers: I am writing to tell you that at this point I’ve tried and tried to get something going with writing and this blog in particular. I’ve followed all the rules and did all the work and what…
What are the Challenges to Publishing Books
There is a big change in Living a Life of Writing. I’ve always focused on how people can add to your writing- you are a writer after all, but now is the time to think about challenges you can have…
Online Publishing… What is That?
Okay before you ask for my head, I’ll explain why I asked this question: What is Online publishing? or rather: online publishing? what’s that??? well the answer is simple, and yet complex. I have more ideas, and to read it…
Is Writing Non-Fiction Boring? Part 3 of 15
So take a dash of fiction, add about a million hours of research, a few drafts, some good sense, and what do you get? Creative non-fiction. Now before you go and leave let me explain. As Carrie in her comment…
Is Writing Non-Fiction Boring? Part 2 of 15
Does writing non fiction have its challenges? well of course, one of the biggies is writing to an audience who may or may not know more than you do. In fiction it is a bit easier to write, because a…
Will Writing Help You Get Your Dreams?
We want to give ourselves encouragement and we want to visualize the dreams we hold in our minds and make them into a reality. The challenge is not the actual writing, but the change in how we see writing. Will…
Writers Write
So what is the best thing for a writer to do? The simple answer is: write. Of course the better answer is write and then publish your work and then make it better the next time you write another book. …