What are the Challenges to Publishing Books
There is a big change in Living a Life of Writing. I’ve always focused on how people can add to your writing- you are a writer after all, but now is the time to think about challenges you can have writing and publishing a book.
The cycle to publishing go like this: write the book or short story or whatever, edit it, rewrites, and editing for style, content, and proofing, begin a marketing plan, edit some more, write a query letter to get a literary agent and begin to publish books. This in and of itself is a joy when it comes to the process.
This is a simplified version and no two authors or books are the same, but the ideas are the same, everything has a theme or a journey. I could go on about this of course, but it helps to work at your writing. I’ve also began to realize the fine balance of work and life, it’s a balance that I lack when I am focused on publishing a book. It is a challenge to balance work and life and it is more of a challenge to be able to go back and fix up problems.
I’ve said it before: publishing books isn’t easy, but the challenges are worth the rewards.
What are the rewards? For some writers it is the money which is the main reason why they write, and I believe that writers should have at least enough money to make their writing worthwhile to them. Some other writers simply want to publish books, and more books, and hopefully this will create the needed domino effect. Still for others it is cycle of it all, they have a routine. even if they challenge themselves by setting a goal of publishing 8 books a year.
For my own life the challenge is: Earning enough money so that I don’t have to worry about my day job as much. It is the challenge of finding time to rebuild my blog all the while writing and branding myself as an author.
Are there routines you should take as a writer?
Should Other methods be used, either self-publish a book or make blogging a focus?
How about confidence, can you deal with critiques and anger of all sorts from other writers and reviewers?
These are all things to consider when publishing a book.
Publishing in My Mind
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To overcome struggle. I think that's a theme everyone can relate with.
mine can be summed up in two words: redemption and joy