Two Ways To Look at Writing Fun.
There is a strong case of writer fun-itis, which is defined as a case not not looking at what they love as being fun. The reverse is of course true when everything that a writer does is fun, but then…
Passionate Writing: Five Ways to Write with Passion
When a writer begins to write they usually write a draft, and then they will show it to a select few who will say a few comments. One such comment is that there is something lacking, not grammar or spelling…
Passionate Writing: All Writers have it.
It is something that each writer wants to have, passionate writing. By this it is when you sit in front of the computer and the words seem to flow from your mind to your fingertips and on to the computer…
Writing Well: Breaks In Between
Writers all write and sometimes in the process we all lose focus on our writing. Yes there is an art to writing, but we are human and often there is other commitments in our lives. Sometimes it simply means there…
Is Passionate Writing a Part of Writing Well?
There are many writers who want to succeed in writing, but often the main argument that most people will say about a book is that it lacked something for them. There was something missing, something that people need but can…
Write What You Know… and Fix What You Don’t
I have written an article about the city and events in Las Vegas. It is set a bit into the future, but it is about to be published. I am quite pleased with it. It was simple to write and it…
P-A-S-S-I-O-N and Confidence And Publication Part 11 of 11
Why do you need confidence when you write is there something you need to worry about? If you are wondering why people say it doesn’t seem to move them, can it be because your writing is not passionate enough? You…
Karen Guthrie from My View From My Window
Today we have a Guest blogger, she’s speaking on last series topic, about writing and a dash of publishing put in. She’s a strong writer, and very inspirational. Everyone take the time to check out her blog, and give a…