Self-Publishing can Be a Pain
I’m not against self-publishing a book, I am self-publishing a book (I prefer to call this independent publishing), but there are some days when it can be a real pain. This is most true when you have a lot of…
Writing a Book Is Not as Easy As One Might Think
I liked the cover below– really I did, and then as we were writing this book something changed. The book feels different than the cover. I am sure it happens to the best of us. We write something and then…
What A Joy It Is: Getting My Book Published
I have to admit that when people talk about wanting to write a book, I always want to encourage them; after all, it’s a long process to becoming an author. I used CreateSpace for my book and while my sales…
Should You Use Wikipedia As A Source To Publish Your Non-Fiction Book?
As a writer of a non-fiction work, should you use Wikipedia for your facts? If you are only looking for a basic answer, then Wikipedia might be the place for you to go, but most most of the time, it’s…
Writing and Publishing: Some Thoughts
I write. This seems like a simple statement to most people, but I know that there is much more hidden in this two word sentence. I write because I want to publish. I write because I love writing. I write to…
Money Matters With Books: Would You Drop You Price On A Published Book?
My book has been available on and other Amazon websites for a while now, and sales are reasonably good. They sell about three books a week, and the price is about $15.00 US. Here is the money matters problem…
Seriously How Much Money Can You Make Publishing A Book?
It’s not about how people look at you as a writer, it is about how much is right for you- in terms of making money publishing a book. If this means asking if how much money should I make…
Why Writing Improves with Reading Books You Love.
I overheard a conversation at a local bookstore. (I went in looking for a book, and left with several in my arms.) The question that struck me after hearing this conversation is, what will happen to this poor child? There…