Navigating the Tumultuous Waters of a Busy Life
Recently I started a new internship, which means my mornings start about an hour and a half earlier than usual. The other day I spent eight hours at work, went to the gym, had a rehearsal, then a volleyball…
Amidst the Shadows
How showing your face and your voice can make you a successful writer Last week we spoke a bit about the importance of reaching out to your audience: making sure they see you…
Your Mind
Actuating Success Through Balance We have talked a lot this month about keeping balance in your work, in your emotions, in your life, and how all of these balances can make for a more successful career as a writer. But…
This is the Book that AuthorHouse® Built
Self-Publishing with This month we are discussing options for making money with your book through self-publishing. This is no doubt a daunting task for some, but there are resources out there to make self-publishing…
To Market, to Market… to Sell a Fat Book!
So you think you have an idea that can sell? So do millions of people every year. So why is the proportion of successful entrepreneurial ventures so low? One word: Laziness. When we are hit with that genuine and…
This week when I was asking some people about what qualities they look for in a marketing or advertising campaign, it was no surprise that a lot of the same answers came up (and…
Your Face. Your Book. Facebook.
This month we are talking about marketing your book and your writing, so I thought it might be a good idea to discuss one of the fastest and easiest ways to market your book and yourself as a writer:…
Writing and Writers
I am posing a question to you: What would be the best writer that you know of that is a published author? By this I mean the people we know who write are often not published. This can make it…