No Internet– Loads of Time To Write
After losing Internet for a day, and trying to figure out what to do, I choose to be grateful that I am a writer. At least I can sit down and use a pen and paper for my writing. That…
Why Do You Want to Self-Publish a Book?
Your book, your work in progress is complete, and you want to do something more with it. First you have to edit your book, and then edit it again. After this you have to take a deep breath and a…
Writing and Writing Some More
When someone tells you to write… do you write “right away,”or do you have to think about writing? That is certainly an art, and something that you ought to do before you begin the process of actually putting pen to…
Self-Publishing a Book Anyone?
It seems interesting to me that people seem to want to publish their writing, but then they will discount many of the methods one can use to publish it. If your writing is great, and it has a great editor…
Writing a Book… Publishing a Different Book
We all can understand how different a book can be, between its first draft and the final publication. Even a blog post can grow. So, are you writing a book? Great most writers are doing that. Any writer can write.…
Kindle, and KDP, and Its Kindle Select Programs
By now most writers have heard of Kindle Select, which is a choice authors can make when using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) but I’ll go into some details about the program itself before I get into my own personal experiences…
Kindle Edition of In Search of the Lost Ones: On Amazon
I’ll have a bit more of a post about Kindle and Kindle Select but for now, I wanted to let you all know that In Search of the Lost Ones is available on Kindle. You can find it on most…
When You “Fail” in Writing: Is It Really A “Fail”
Success is a matter of learning from failure. Writing, and continue writing is success I don’t think any writer can ever fail in writing, nor can they “fail” when they publish. I personally think by the simple act of completing…