Can You See Me? Self-Publishers Need To Be Seen By Social Media
I have a self-published book. I can share this as often as I want, and I still have people look at me in an odd way. I’m not upset by those looks; I find it rather amusing that people don’t…
The Power Trip to Nowhere
What writers can learn from Choose Your Own Adventure books I don’t know how many people remember those stories that were called “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure,” but there is…
Blogs, Authors, Platforms and Publishing
This coming month, we will be writing about blogs and authors. It is not easy be a writer, and there is an important part of writing which most people tend to forget. They need to have a voice — not…
Amidst the Shadows
How showing your face and your voice can make you a successful writer Last week we spoke a bit about the importance of reaching out to your audience: making sure they see you…
Do Your Readers Believe You Are In It For The Money?
I have read and enjoyed a lot of books. I admit that I read anything that people ask me to read, and I read anything that strikes me as interesting. What I don’t enjoy reading is something that makes me…
What Do Your Readers Think About Self-Publishing?
Years ago no one cared to admit that they might have self-published a book. Years ago, to self-publish meant that you didn’t “have what it took” to find that publisher willing to take on your book, and when you shared with…
The Relatability of Fame
Why breaking through as a writer takes more than just a fancy book cover and a well-written story Sometimes the best inspiration and insight comes from the most unexpected places. The other night…
What Do You Read– And Write About?
Sometimes, there are days when you wonder: what am I reading, and how does it affect my writing? After all, you are a writer, and you look to other writers as an inspiration to improve, or build upon your writing. …