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    Marketing Attacks!

    What happens when marketing attacks? no not MARS attacks, but marketing attacks, see often we think of marketing as a big bad old thing that we should hide from. Although sometimes it’s hard to come out and face marketing, it’s…

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    Money and Marketing?

    How does money help marketing? What about writing? Why write if not for some value for others? Blogs and Hubs and everything in between, if you write you are marketing yourself, when you write a comment on someone else’s hub…

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    Can Marketing Be This Easy?

    One of the best ways to market is to talk to people, one such person brave and wonderful enough to write to me was Richard M. Fleck in regards to his book breaking through the clouds. This is one of…

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    Can Marketing A Book be this Easy?

    Sometimes yes. marketing can be this easy, write a blog that;s geared towards people, and do this while you’re writing a book. Well, you get the idea. I recently read an article on Salesforce website entitled What is marketing automation,…

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    Writing is an Art

    Writing is an art that I’m still working on. I try.. so here’s a list and you tell me what the next series will be, otherwise I pick out of a hat! Publishing and Vanity Presses– is a vanity press…