Famous Writer Quotes About Writing
Just a writing note to encourage you to keep on writing, and to never give up. Here are a few quotes on writing by some famous authors. Writing isn’t easy but sometimes, the best know what to sat when it’s…
Just A Writing Note
I’ve not forgotten anyone, I’ve been busy with writing my next two books and working hard on them, and it’s not always easy to focus on many things when you have a deadline to keep. So I’m sorry it’s a…
Writing a Book Is Not as Easy As One Might Think
I liked the cover below– really I did, and then as we were writing this book something changed. The book feels different than the cover. I am sure it happens to the best of us. We write something and then…
Blogs and Writing: Of Pen and Paper Challenges
The theme is just keep writing. For this week I’ve been hard at work writing, and really honestly writing — as in pen and paper. For some reason it’s doing me a world of good. I think it’s also broken…
Publishing Blogs? Yes You Can!
Yes, it is possible to have the time to write more than one blog in your life. I might add, though, that you probably don’t want to be publishing several of them at once! That means you need to figure…
Writing About Blogging (On Writing and Publishing a Blog)
Blogging, or at least writing a blog, is a good way for me to communicate with my loyal friends and readers. Part of what I’ve done to continue with my writing on my blogs is because my readers have found…
Admit It: You Want To Be Published
I had a long and rather interesting conversation with a long time writing friend. She’s a good writer, and one who likes to spend hours editing a paragraph or trying to “make the words right.” She has also spent many hours…
What Is A Successful Published Book?
I don’t believe that you can say that the only successful book is one which has sold 1,000 copies, or even 100 copies. I think that you need to create your own personal definition of what makes a successful book. …