Hats Off to Jay– His Making Money Comment is.. on the Money.
Yes, Jay had it right, you add everything up and to your horror– you’ve got a bit of an eyeopener when it comes to money. You might think you are making a lot of money… but really for all the time you are writing… it really doesn’t make a lot.
So what should one do? I think I’ll explain what I would do.
I think I’ll stick to enjoying my writing, and being happy that my book is coming out, and the money will come, and I’ll be happy about that anyways. It only took a few years for this blog to make a bit of money. I believe that the money will be okay, but I will have to consider what I’m writing about, it needs to first, and foremost… be a good blog. It is self-publishing, and your readers…
Will becomes your books readers. I think that is why I am focused on improving what I write about. I know that readers will read what they like. I also know that spending money in these times means that a reader needs to feel value for their money.
Even on blogs and writing blogs.
Enjoy the day and your writing– that is what is important.
Making money is only one thing, but the important thing is becoming a better writer, so that your published books will help you more in the end.
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