The Power of Influence
Influence is a wonderful thing. The more you have the better your chances of success.
Influence is how a blog or a person makes others work with them or against them. There are two sorts of influence out there positive and negative. The more you think about what your blog van become the more you will have to think about how people will or won’t be influenced by your writing. A blog is simply a place for you to share your thoughts. There is always more to it, and this is where the power of influence takes a hold.
It is the hours of work behind the scenes to make something happen. It is the hours on social networking to get one person, two readers, a comment or anything on your blog. It is the tears unshed because the dream you had is changing, and you need to influence others to follow this vision.
It is not the moments of doubt, but the moment of clarity in the doubt, when you realize that to create your dream you need to learn more of the power of influence than you thought possible.
There are a few things about influence and writing a blog which needs to be taken into consideration:
1) You can change, or influence each person who comes to your blog:
This is a very general statement, but regardless of where the reader came from they are here to read your blog, and think about your brand on their own time, and this time is valuable to them. The more you give to them in terms of figuring out what they need, the more influence you will have.
Social networking and social media are only one small aspect to your power or influence, but they need to be harnessed to get more out of them.
2) You have the power:
This is not about becoming someone who has money. This is about someone who has written something that transcends the ordinary and becomes the extraordinary. A blog is just a blog without the power of the wordsmith behind it. There is no grace about a blog which lacks the understand and passion for the readers. It is growing as a leader of a team, even if it is only you.
You have the power, the ability to transform a reader from someone who comes in, reads a post and goes on their way. Not every blog post will do this, and there is always a bit of formula to it, but you have the power. You are the master of your blog, the commander in chief of your writing. Your blog is your sword in a merciless environment where there are hundreds of others who do much the same as you.
3) You have the ability to influence:
By the time you have written, edited and published a post you have used precious commodities, your talent and your time. The more effort you put into creating something beyond the minimum for a blog post, the more likely a reader will come back and read more.
It is your ability to write which in turn challenges the thought process of the reader, which in turn allows for more success. The trouble of the blog is to continue this process with the next post, and the next reader you must influence. It is your ability to write, and to be influential which makes or breaks the success of your blog.
4) The power to create something magical:
No one is a magician in the strictest sense of the term, but writers can make magic happen with the right words at the right time. It is one thing to speak to a reader and it is another to show them how to create magic for themselves and others. The power to create the magic comes from the talent of the writer. Some don’t want to change, and others will only want to get the content out there and hope for the best.
You are the master of your blog. The power is in your veins to create the magic you desire. It’s about showing people who would normally write a short blog post that a longer one will hold and grasp the reader’s attention and make them want to come back and read more.
You can create this again. You have that power, and with a small bit of influence you will want to do this again and again. Writing 500 words becomes easier. Then it is writing 700 words, and then it is leading a team to the high mountains of glory where they understand that what they write can and does have a lasting impression on each reader.

There is something at this point where you might consider how much power and influence you have over even one or two readers. Each person takes away a set of impressions about how you write. Some will see you as being too fancy and other will love what you do and will begin to share it with people. Word of mouth is important now as it was many years ago.
The biggest challenge is to understand and show your understanding of each moment your blog has as a little bit of influence. The success of one blog post does not mean the success of the rest. What it means is that a writer had a moment where they had the power of influence on their side. What they do, or did, next matters the most.
Influence is success redefined. This is the point where people take a moment to notice you as a writer. This is your moment of power. The power of influence will lead you on a journey you might never have chosen to go on. As a writer this is the most powerful moment in your life, the moment you understand your influence to others.
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