There’s a Reason To Read “Can’t Buy Me Love” and Other Stories
I know two great authors on Twitter. I might spend a bit more time than I should there, but this particular social medium is great for one thing: getting to know your fellow writers. Two such writers are Dan McNeil and Charles E. Wells. Before I wrote this blog post, I contacted both of them asking if I could mention them in the blog, and being such wonderful people, they agreed. I hope to do them justice.
We’re talking about writers who can inspire us this month. I know that there are a lot of them out there, and to be fair, many of them follow their own “drumbeat” when it comes to writing, editing and publishing. The simple fact that most writers have to produce some sort of a final product, and then they have to brand themselves but still be “themselves”.
Dan McNeil does this well. He’s got a brand of seeing everyone and mentioning them on Twitter that few people can do. Every Wednesday and Friday he’s out there promoting other writers, or simply other Twitter users, who have something interesting about them. He’s also written a book called Can’t Buy Me Love
which is unique because it takes a bank robber, the Beatles, and an urban legend and tosses them together. Admittedly, this is not what makes most people go and read a book. In fact, Dan spends a lot of time adding quirky facts about the Beatles on Twitter, and doesn’t overtly promote the book people need to read.
The reason he inspires is that he has something to say. The facts about the Beatles help, but the fact that he spends equal time answering tweets is a bonus. It shows that a writer needs to care about their readers so that readers can learn to care about that writer.
Another great writer on Twitter is Charles E. Wells. He’s always a pleasure to read, and he is a delight to spar with when the chance arises. The reason he has success with the many books he has written is much the same reason as any other author. He makes you like him and not feel forced into buying yet another book you might not plan on reading.
He has been writing for a while now, with eight books published on Kindle. The fun part about his Twitter feed is the consistent banter he shares, and then there’s some promotion of his books thrown in as well. His throws a bit of romance and supernatural and thriller into his book series “Whispering Pines” and then keeps on going.
Now we know who these writers are let’s do a bit of a Q&A:
These writers aren’t famous, so why pick them as inspiration for writing?
It’s not about how many bestsellers a writer has, but how they interact and work with other writers. You could have sold a million books, but if those books don’t influence a reader to then go and write something creative of their own because you wrote something, you’ve lost.
What about bestselling authors, don’t you have anyone in mind?
I have a few, but this month I’m showcasing people who have not only influenced me as a writer, but also who have helped me in many ways by the very act of me having read their books, or I still find them unique in some way. I will mention Terry Brooks as one of my influences, but he’s reserved for another post.
Are these writers looking for promotion?
No, I asked them if I could do this, not the other way around, so it is not promotion. I am hopeful that they like what I’ve said and that they know how much I value their input as both writers, and as people who have helped me. Although I do hope that this helps them with some sales for their books.
Are there more books on the way from these guys?
I most certainly hope there will be. Check out their Twitter feeds, and you can ask them.
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One Comment
Some good writers, what would you say about writing about some of the more famous writers? Can you do a month on fanfiction again?