Writing and Marketing
We write. Then we write some more. After a while it seems that all we do is write. In fact most writers really do not talk about publishing. Even less of these talk about marketing.
I think where we do ourselves a disservice is lack of marketing our books. We tend to think of the writing process as exactly that– writing. Then we think of the next step which is publishing… then we think of the next step which is getting our books reviewed. This seems to be a good cycle.
The problem is, it isn’t a cycle. When we are writing we should be thinking of marketing, in so far that we ask people to review our books, and then what they think of our writing and then what they think of buying our books.
That is marketing. Someone pointed out to me that I did just that on my last post. Now I didn’t think I did. I was really simply excited and anted to share my cover. What I did do was did market my book. Did you think of it that way?
We often don’t think of marketing in that sense. We think of marketing as getting in the newspapers of getting a big publishing company to spend money on our books. The fact is that marketing comes in all forms. We simply have to take it and do this.
Writing and marketing can go hand in hand and they can be useful and can be easy to do. Just like critiques all one has to do is ask.
Marketing is a different skill set.
Sole the Sock
From experience, writing that sits in a closet does a disservice to all those potential readers out there.
Sole the Sock,
Rebecca E.
Norma– this is so true, but it can be easy to learn
Sole– yes, it does, but you've got to "get it out" which mens word of mouth!