SEO and Linking? What Does That Have to Do With Improving Writing?
SEO is important, and so is writing.
I have to say that some days I just do not “get” people. After all one can write at length about SEO and not think about writers who simply want to write. I mentioned to some friends of mine that I could improve my writing, and they were, for the most part in agreement. All expect for two. They argued that my writing is fine, but what my problem was, and is, is linking and SEO strategy for my blogs. (SEO stands for search engine optimization)

However, I was asking how to improve my writing. When a writer asked for help on writing a blog post, generally, we are making reference to the content and not how to get search engines to find us. Yes, almost anyone of us writers can write a good blog post, but I am referring to the art of writing. Not so much the art of building a blog to make money, or create passive income. SEO can also help businesses reach consumers for their website, and there are companies out there like, Victorious, can help them to do so.
That being said here’s my list of what I think about linking and SEO.
1) You do need to know about it, the search engines do exist for a reason. By this I mean while your writing needs to be good, you need to be found by others who don’t know you. However, by the same token if you have poor writing, this is also detrimental to readers. Even if you targeted a specific keyword, you will still have problems. You could also look into how a URL affects seo, as this relates to the use of keywords being important to online traffic. One person might suggest that a writers life does not need to be about the search engines but if you write a blog, you do. White Hat SEO is one of the most effective forms of promoting your blog globally. You can visit for a infomation on how you can get a free consultation where the business will research and analyse your target market, your brand, your past marketing campaigns, your competitors, and your industry. Will scrutinise your online presence by examining your website, your rankings, and keywords.
2) Sometimes, it is about writing. Or it is about improving your writing. The more you learn to see what you can do and what you can’t do to make it work. Having a person be your second set of eyes is a good beginning, but be clear with this person. Also, when you work with a team, be clear, very clear about what basic policies you have on yours and their writing. It’s your blog.
3) Yes, I know you need to link your work, because the term “link” means to a writer something which works with this particular post. The term link really means how a reader gets to your blog post and other ways.
4) Writing can be for fun, and you can have several things which make it fun. It’s also a business.
5) It is not always about making money all the time. It is about making a go of your career as a writer, and this means that at some point, you will have to consider some basic search engine strategies. If people can’t find your writing, you won’t get far.
6) Writing is about improving. There is always room to improve. End of topic. No human is perfect no matter how hard they try. This is why we have editors. While you might not have a human editor, even spell check is important.
7) You are a part of a huge community, fix up your mistakes and keep on writing. It is one thing to say to a person a blog post needs to be improved, but if this same ‘preacher’ doesn’t fix up their own blogs, it’s time to look elsewhere. A mistake here and there is one thing, the community which supports a writer will help those who need help and who as for it.
8) Since when did linking and SEO take the place of some great writing? If it means something to someone, they will “link and SEO it” for you. However, if the articles is of no value to your reader, they will not tell people about it by linking it to their blogs.

Above all, writing is a balance between the two. A carefully crafted blog post, which deals with writing, or publishing is important. It does mean doing some basic search engine optimization to improve your long term outlook on the life of your blog.
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Damaria Senne
My 2 cents' worth? I think you and your two friends were not talking about the same thing at all. To me, improving my writing is about craft. It's about learning how to write compelling content/stories/articles/blog posts etc. It's about learning to choose the words that best express the concept I want to convey and still keeping it simple. Being able to make people laugh, cry and be surprised. Sometimes it's about communicating seemingly boring/complicated concepts in such a way that people who need the information can understand/be intrigued.
And yes, you stillneed to build links, use SEO to draw traffic to your site. But that's kinda a marketing function (making sure you're found).
Niki Turner
#7 blessed me… "You are a part of a huge community, fix up your mistakes and keep on writing." Thank you!