
How to Not Lose Your Mind Writing

You will all have to forgive me.  I am buried in work.  I am buried in edits, and at the moment this is a very hard thought.  I love writing, and with my “edit” (okay I’ll call it like it is– total re-write) I have had less time to write on the places and things I love doing.

So, a change. Some fun.

How to NOT lose your mind Writing….

1) Scrap the day-timer… especially with edits.  They seem to take longer than expected.

2) Yell. Loud.  It works.  Really it works.

3) Don’t Get Buried… okay, since I am already there can someone please come and “unbury” me?

One Comment

  • Damaria Senne


    I can empathise. A part of me is happy you have lots of work to do – in this biz, having work is a good thing. But I also know how overwhelming it can be, and sometimes it even reduces the joy of writing.

    So don't forget to take a break for yourself, rest. You'll be more productive. And I say this because sometimes I've gone on until I crashed, and it was not healthy and it took me long to recover.