
Should Writers Take a Writing Course?

Some writers will be quite adamant about taking writing courses and how helpful they are to them. Some writers take these courses and find that, to their amazement, that it does not help them quite the way they wanted it to help them at the time, and only later find out that they did get the help that was needed, but it was too soon to be something useful for them. Others, try to take a course and find no redeeming value to it at all. Still others never have or will take a writing course.

Should writers take a writing course? If they are serious about writing and making writing a living it should be something that they should consider.

So what else should be considered when you will take a writing course?

1) Your ability: If you have been writing for many years, a more advanced course is something to think about, whereas if you have been dabbling in your writing for many years, than a more advanced writing course will not be beneficial to you.

2) What you want to do: Is the writing course simply to showcase your work? Or will you be willing to accept critiques of your work? If it is to learn and to develop your work and your writing, even if you have written a million words, then a writing course course is good for you.

3) Your time: If you have other commitments (all writers do!) then taking several courses at the same time will not help you and will only lead you to burnout and frustration.

4) Your money: You can take all the writing courses in the world, ( and with online writing courses, around the world) but if you go bankrupt or your finances are pushed to the limit, this is not a good choice for any writer.

This is a choice that all writers must face, but for the most part writing courses is a must have for any writer, and they will benefit from it.


  • Mistakes Writers Make

    I do think it's important for writers to invest in their careers – but not invest their life savings in them at the start! I would – and do – advise budding and new writers to take courses, but only those they can afford, and only if they feel committed. It's important to remember that just because one course didn't work out for you – another one might. One at a time, though, is wise advice…
