
Amazon.ca– In Search Of The Lost Ones– Thanks To You!

I normally think it is awesome to see some numbers, especially from Amazon. Today I wanted to share a bit of success about In Search of the Lost Ones. Please bear in mind that the numbers will have changed since the time of writing this post, but I have gone and looked at my book, and with a marketing plan in place, there seems to be reason to tell people:  The paperback version of my book In Search of The Lost Ones is having a great couple of days on Amazon.ca.

Most of my readership were trilled to learn that, yes, they can buy this book in Canadian currency… and this made a huge difference in sales.  In fact, this afternoon I looked and found that in the European History section on Amazon my book was ranked as number 11– of course that will change.  I think that is a big bonus… and…

That comes from people like you, our readers here at Living a Life of Writing, supporting me and buying the book. With this in mind, I have two very important words to say to you:


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