
Another Way to Write: Ghost Writing and Ghost Writing Services

No, I don’t do ghost writing, but on the other hand I’ve considered the possibility of going into the ghost writing bsuiness.. I think that I fear that even though it is a type of writing, and in fact many people make a fair decent living on ghost writing services.

In other words there is money to be had with this method of writing.  A lot of people seem to think it is worth it, since this can let them make more money now and still work on their various manuscripts at their own pace.

Still could you make a living (as in make money) on ghost writing services? On simple ghost writing, and building your writing business online and off?

Well, the answer may be yes, many writers will offer ghost writing services as a part of their work, (See any number of blogs and website for this) and it doesn’t seem to be viewed in a negative light by many people. Simply look at the many books that say by “X” as told to “Y” or “X” with “Y” this normally in mind means that “Y” was the one doing the writing.

What does ghost writing mean to you? Would you offer ghost writing services should the time be right?


  • Damaria Senne

    I believe there are many benefits to offering ghost-writing services. e.g. you get paid a set fee, so you have some kind of security working on a big project, and it can be regular work. BUT, I don't see myself working as a ghost writer because right now I need the byline, and a growing body of work, more than I need the guaranteed payment.

  • JS

    Ghost writing is mainly done for celebrities as far as my knowledge goes. Their name is used and the matter written by somebody else (ghost) is sent for their approval before getting published.

    I would not consider it gleefully as it must have a lot of constraints considering the social image of the celebrity and possible lies involved.