Enjoy Things of Beauty and Publishing Will Be Easier
Have you had your run today? Have you stepped back from your computer for even five minutes to walk some where? Chances are if you are reading this you will be saying well, I am reading this. Where does exercise…
“Writers Make Money Online” Are You Sure?
I has a great conversation today and I’ll be the first to say it was enlightening to me as both a person and a writer. For purposes of this conversation I’d like to remind you that this is a younger…
The Publishing Your Book Dilemma
You want to publish your book and you have worked long and hard to bring it this far. You have edited the first draft yourself, and you have had others review and comment on it before submitting it to a…
Writing, Publishing, Making Money and Google
Some writers love to complain — not so much about how great someone else’s book is when our own should be just as good, but we complain that editing takes too long or that our blog isn’t drawing the number…
Question: Do You Know What Living a Life of Writing Means?
My blog is found almost everywhere, and as much as you might want to change the name it is one which you can’t. Still it does make for a good topic. As writers we often get asked this question: Do you…
Creative Writing Challenges
There are many days when you want to write in a more creative way. There are also times when the process of writing can bring you down, or in a way that you will find is more passionate than you…
Writing Well: Four Points
All writers want to write well. It is a goal, which as a community we share. In fact, it is something that we strive for, this improving this making things better something to read. Writing well is an art form…
Writing Well: Breaks In Between
Writers all write and sometimes in the process we all lose focus on our writing. Yes there is an art to writing, but we are human and often there is other commitments in our lives. Sometimes it simply means there…