Quotes About Writing
Writing quotes are everywhere. Some people want them because it gives them some sort of perspective on their own writing journey. For others, it is about the need to feel a sense of belonging to the writer whom they admire,…
Can Social Networking Giants Facebook and Twitter Help Authors?
I’ve written at length about how Facebook and Twitter, and other social media sites can hurt your bottom line or create a challenge for an author to continue to have book sales. Use the technology wisely and it’s good for…
Don’t Doubt Others When It Comes to Publishing a Cover
I was working with my co-author and now that the books have been sent to the editors, there was more work which needed to be done. It’s not hard to write a book but it’s a lot harder to decide…
Influence and the Beatles
There aren’t many people who would argue that the Beatles have influence- or rather don’t have influence. Even fewer still would argue that they have never heard of them. They are the most successful rock band of the 1960s—possibly of…
When You Start Writing a Book, Consider Time Eaters
Ever heard of the term “and then there are days?” We’ve all had them, the day where nothing seems to go right and where nothing you planned works out the way you want it to, and you have to start…
“The Outliers” and the Emotion of Successful Writers
Mention the name Malcolm Gladwell and you will probably get a few comments. Everyone seems to have a point of view when it comes to his writing, be it good or bad. To me, that is a mark of a…
Jump Up, Bounce Around and Get Outta That Rut!
Ruts are nasty beasts. We call them many things: writer’s block, disillusionment, burn out, needing a mental break. Whatever we want to call it, it’s still a rut, a dark place no one wants to be in, but each of…
If You Think You Have It BAD, Think Again.
That evil dreaded rut is hard on writers. It’s that time when you call it writers’ block or when you can’t seem to decide what to do with some extra bit of draft that you can’t seem to let go…