Checklist For Successful Self-Publishing
Publishing a book is simple: If it mean sending a manuscript to potential literary agents or publishers who might pick up your book, and sell it to readers. Success in publishing a book, however; is an entirely different matter- the…
Using A Compass When Writing and Life Challenges You
When life hands you lemons make lemonade. Use your compass I’m sure we’ve all heard that old cliche. Like most people I never understood that concept; I understood that we all have challenges in our lives, and that we should…
“The Outliers” and the Emotion of Successful Writers
Mention the name Malcolm Gladwell and you will probably get a few comments. Everyone seems to have a point of view when it comes to his writing, be it good or bad. To me, that is a mark of a…
Setting SMART Goals for Yourself as a Writer
In school this month we were discussing setting goals for therapy and made me think of how I set goals for my life and work. We have spoken a lot on this blog over the past year about setting goals…
Jump Up, Bounce Around and Get Outta That Rut!
Ruts are nasty beasts. We call them many things: writer’s block, disillusionment, burn out, needing a mental break. Whatever we want to call it, it’s still a rut, a dark place no one wants to be in, but each of…
If You Think You Have It BAD, Think Again.
That evil dreaded rut is hard on writers. It’s that time when you call it writers’ block or when you can’t seem to decide what to do with some extra bit of draft that you can’t seem to let go…
Do You Have a Publishing a Book Dis-ease?
You have one chance and one chance alone to impress a person with your writing and, what is more important, to earn money on your published book. For most writers this sounds like a challenge — in a good way.…
Starting Fresh
It’s true we all get stuck in ruts, not being able to navigate our way out successfully no matter how hard we try. I think we can all agree with Rebecca that the best way to emerge as a…