When Writing is Easy
There are days when writing is easy, something about it seems to flow, and you enjoy the sounds of your thoughts and your fingers seem to dance across the keyboard. If you are really lucky, you will not make many…
Should Traditionally Publishing Your Book be Your Only Goal?
We all want to make money in this writing business and one of the main ways to make money as a writer is by publishing our books, because not only does it mean money right away but it can also…
When a Title is not Just a Title: Money Issues
This is one of the most overlooked pieces of writing information. That of the title. This can make you money and can make you book stand out or, on the other hand can reduce your book sales since it sounds…
Publishing as a Business
Sometimes, most writers will not think of publishing as a business, they simply write the story they want to write and then set out to publish it. But really publishing is a business. For example let us say that you…
Three Simple Ways to Promote Your Writing
Writers can promote their work to others in many ways. Part of the challenge is the fact that there are as many ways of promotion as there are of writing. It is easy to be a writer these days but…
Writing is Harder Without a Plan For Money and Living
It is often something that writers tend to forget, and that is a plan. We like to write, and this much is not a bad thing, but a plan is needed. A plan is something which will make a writing…
What Does Writing JOY Mean to you?
As many of you do not know I love flowers and have them everywhere near me, I took this photo a couple of days ago of white orchids that I have sitting by my window. They have given me so…
When Writing is “Boring”
Some days are like that you can sit there at the computer and type away at the keyboard and whatever you do does not seem like it is something you really want to be writing. As writers we do not…