Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?
Let’s get real. Let’s be honest. I’m a writer, and a blogger, and a YouTuber, and I have Twitter and Facebook, and all that lovely stuff. I’m proud of my work and what I have done. Except honestly, I’m…
Leadership, Passion and Hope
Leadership is the force that moves someone to make, or create something better than right now. Leaders don’t worry about the challenges so much as they learn from them, and then go from there. There is a constant learning and…
Writers Are Powerful
Writing is Powerful. You are Powerful. Powerful writing comes from the heart. This feeling is unique for each writer but, in a nutshell, a writer is powerful because they believe in their work. The best way to describe a great…
A Look in the Mirror
Reflecting on your own perspectives on writing and your life as a writer I feel like we can’t have a month where we talk about perspectives on writing without challenging ourselves about our own perspectives on our writing and our…
Ancient Inspiration
Harnessing the Spartan ideologies of perseverance and the power of the human will to succeed What does it take to succeed? Well before you get your hopes up for what this post has to offer I’ll be honest and…
Setting SMART Goals for Yourself as a Writer
In school this month we were discussing setting goals for therapy and made me think of how I set goals for my life and work. We have spoken a lot on this blog over the past year about setting goals…
Is Publishing Your Book Worth It?
When we think of publishing we all like to have our name on a book, and we’ll do it the way we think is best, but in the process of publishing a book things can get difficult. Sometimes though this…
The Reason For Writing a Business Plan
Sometimes any writer can feel like what they’ve done with writing isn’t working. They think what they are writing- be it a book or another blog post isn’t working as well as they want it to. This isn’t entirely correct,…