Writing and Publishing.
I didn’t have paper cuts… but I also didn’t write. I didn’t writoe online, and I didn’t write offline either. I didn’t think I was a writer. I did think I would make money with something one day, but not…
Publishing Goals
What are your publsihing goals? Are you getting closer and dreaming bigger? Are you not going in the right direction? I am pleased to say my publishing goals are coming closer, and my editing is getting a bit better. I…
In Between Publishing and Writing
There is that horrible place in between publishing and writing. It’s the place where you write and send out query letters and wait. The problem is that while you are waiting, your mind comes up with some rather interesting ideas.…
Write to Publish? Or Write to Write?
Here is a quick Question: Do you write to write OR do you write to publish? Yes there is a difference, a big difference. Do you know why your write? For example do you write a journal in hope that…
Should I Self-Publish a Book?
There is a question is one that ranks high in the minds of many writers, especially if they are writing in a niche market, and they aren’t sure which way they should turn. Should they self-publish a book at potentially…
Traditional Publishers: Why we like Publishing With them
I read somewhere that people would rather go with a large traditional publisher, but there is something that they have forgotten. Not forgotten perhaps, but more likely do not want to admit to themselves that they are wanting or needing…
Writing is an Art
Writing is an art that I’m still working on. I try.. so here’s a list and you tell me what the next series will be, otherwise I pick out of a hat! Publishing and Vanity Presses– is a vanity press…
Publishing A Book: The Basics
I suspect we all have it. This “why oh why oh WHY do I write, and want to publish a book? and oh why did I think publishing a book was easy?” I know some of us are forever working…