When It Is Right: Do You Publish?
I don’t think anyone will argue that writing and publishing aren’t a challenge. There are days when you wonder why you decided to become a writer and then there are days when the word flow and editing is a breeze. …
Fix The Things You Need To Fix Before You Publish….
I am in the middle of edits. Yet again. This is not a bad thing, but it is something that is on my mind. I am a big believer in not trusting the first draft of my own writing. I…
Self-Publishing: You Want Me to Spend HOW MUCH MONEY????
Fact: it cost money to self-publish a book. Fact: It’s your money. Fact: You will even spend money when you traditionally publish that book. Bearing these three facts in mind, many people who are new to self-publishing tend to ask…
Editors Are The Reason YOU Make Money
What would you be without your editor? Where would you be without a professional editor? I’ll give you places where I’ve been: 1) Frustrated: I don’t know what I’ve done wrong but there is something wrong. My editor finds it.…
Google AdSense and Money While Writing a WIP
Most blogs have it, and most blogs will at times write about it, but most writers don’t like to think about Google AdSense and money epecially when they working hard on their work in progress. Some hire editors to help…
Can Publishing Bring Joy?
There is a certain feeling of relief when something you have worked on for a long while is about to be published. I have said many times that the closer my book comes to being published, the more relaxed I…
Why You Need To Self-Publish
There are many reasons to self-publish your writing, and there are many reasons why you are finding that self-publishing seems to be the only way to publish your work. There are times when you need to self-publish, and these ones…
If You Are Self-Publishing: Who Should Edit Your Work?
This seems to be the million dollar question. We all want to make something of our writing, and we would all love to have it bring us some money. In the case of published writing, there is a small step…