Seriously How Much Money Can You Make Publishing A Book?
It’s not about how people look at you as a writer, it is about how much is right for you- in terms of making money publishing a book. If this means asking if how much money should I make…
In Search of The Lost Ones: Reviews and Other Matters of Publishing and Writing
It is easy to get people to buy your book, but to get them to review your book is a different matter. It is not as easy, because to many readers this is extra effort unless they feel strong enough…
Can Having a Kindle E-book Help Your Book Sales?
It seems that just when the debate dies down, it comes back to the forefront of a conversation, this is most true if you self-publish a book. I was asking myself now how am I going to get people to…
Why Writing Improves with Reading Books You Love.
I overheard a conversation at a local bookstore. (I went in looking for a book, and left with several in my arms.) The question that struck me after hearing this conversation is, what will happen to this poor child? There…
Is Writing a Blog Living a Life of Writing?
There are many people who write blogs. Many write their blogs because they have something that needs to be shared with other writers. Or, perhaps they write because they need to build a fan base for their more conventional writing. …
When You Have Writer’s Block….
We have all had it: the day where you can sit in front of the computer and then… nothing. Not one word comes to your mind. So, you head out to do something, anything else… and the words come a…
Is Goodreads Good For You?
I love reading books, and I also find enjoyment in writing them. I have noticed that over the last year or so there is a website where both writers and authors can meet and review each others books. I think…
Get More Traffic to My Blog? How Should I Do That?
It is very nice when you draw readers to your blog, and I am sure that most of us want to have what more technologically inclined people call “traffic.” Why would we want to get this traffic? Simple, we want…