I Forgot to Mention… I Do Not Enjoy AuthorHouse “Publishing”
I must be asking for it.. or rather I put myself up to it. I wrote a little post on AuthorHouse a few days ago and I have to admit that I have not expected the emails I have received…. The…
Publishing and Writing
There are so many things about writing that one can write about, and there are equally as many things that one can write on in regards to publishing. There is a lot of things that are similar to both businesses…
What You Need to Know About Writing
What do you need to know about writing? I mean, everyone writes, and they do so everyday. People spend hours reading and writing. They write emails. They write blogs. They write thank you cards. They write shopping lists.They write comments…
Thinking About Self-Publishing with AuthorHouse or Xlibris?
AuthorHouse, iUniverse and Xlibris are a vanity presses. That is the end of the story — at least it is for many writers. They know about how self-publishing works, even if they won’t self-publish but they also feel there are more…
AuthorHouse and “Publishing”.
What do you need when you decide that your writing is good enough? (Hint: just “good enough” really isn’t!) Most writers who want to have their book published, and have it make them money, and they need to start at…
A Money Thing: Check Your Sources.
There is something about writing and having a point of view that can be a challenge. The thing about sources is that you will have to think about where and why these were published. This holds all the more true…
Publishing Can A Harder Than You Think
It seems that this is the year in which many writers want to take that next step and get that work-in-progress book published. It is not that hard to be published, but at the same time, the whole concept of…
When and Why We Write.
Everyone has a certain time in which they love to do something. Now this something in this case is writing. Writing is an art, but it is also something that you have to think of and do each and every…