Can Create Space Me Money For Me?
I’ll put this one out for you guys since I was asked this in an email: can Create Space make money for me?? well, I suppose with some good publicity and marketing you can make money with anything your do.…
Write and Publish or Plan to Publish But Not Write???
What sounds better to your writing ears? write and publish or… plan to publish but not write. See, a lot of people plant o publish but don’t really write, and some write and plan to publish.It doesn’t matter if your…
There Are Publishing Days Like This
Computer Died this morning so I am working on a Windows 98 version… some days it feel like an old printing press.
Saturday’s Moved.. So Here’s The Publishing Email.
The Publishing email for this week, again nothing changed. So I’ll let you debate the merits to this one. Only one thing: Never write thanks tons at the end of a query. Hi: I am a writer. I have a…
Did I mention Create Space and Publishing?
The beauty of writing is the final product, and the final product means publishing a book or a short story or something of that sort. Some writers got it and some are still working on it, and some well, they…
Writing is Easy.. It’s Edit-it-ing that is Hard
I can say this right now, writing anything is easy, simple, the words flow, and well, frankly, the next part is hard. Editing. Or as I like to call it edit-it-ing. I’ve got to edit it. That’s takes time. I…
Where To Market Online Work…
As writers we need to market it is a simple fact of life. We need to market our work some how. We publish just about everything and publish it anywhere in this online world. So how do you market? A…
Of all Things: Create Space
Create Space is my newest post, as many of you know I am working on two books one is about Transylvania and it will be traditionally published and the other is about grief and will be self-published. So why Create…