Positive Quotes on Writing
I thought that for Saturday I would add a number of positive quotes about writing and writers. It’s always a good thing to think about writing in a good light, and I think these writers say it best. I am…
What A Joy It Is: Getting My Book Published
I have to admit that when people talk about wanting to write a book, I always want to encourage them; after all, it’s a long process to becoming an author. I used CreateSpace for my book and while my sales…
Should You Use Wikipedia As A Source To Publish Your Non-Fiction Book?
As a writer of a non-fiction work, should you use Wikipedia for your facts? If you are only looking for a basic answer, then Wikipedia might be the place for you to go, but most most of the time, it’s…
Is a Sale Good For a Book?
I will admit when I am wrong – and I was wrong. Having a sale is good for an older book. In fact since the price dropped on the paperback edition of In Search of the Lost Ones, more copies…
Writing and Publishing: Some Thoughts
I write. This seems like a simple statement to most people, but I know that there is much more hidden in this two word sentence. I write because I want to publish. I write because I love writing. I write to…
Money Matters With Books: Would You Drop You Price On A Published Book?
My book has been available on Amazon.com and other Amazon websites for a while now, and sales are reasonably good. They sell about three books a week, and the price is about $15.00 US. Here is the money matters problem…
Writing a Book Is a Challenge… And So Are the Numbers
This week I did about eight things related to my writing. Not all of them were as productive as I’d like them to be, but they still moved me forward. Here is the list: 1) Continued on my first draft edits…
How Would You Promote Your Book?
In the last few weeks I’ve done what some newer writers might consider as unthinkable — I’ve given away books. A lot of books. For me, it’s a great feeling: not only are they in the hands of some readers,…