Writing on Fear and Gray Days
There are many things writers write about, or talk about to their writing friends. Some of them have to do with the challenges of writing or having a book published or simply writer’s block. This is a normal course of…
Should You Publish a Book?
After all your hard work and effort, should you think about publishing? Would you want to see that “baby” in print? For the most part the answer is yes, and you should produce the best book you can. Your hard…
Why Do I Want Massive Traffic To My Blog?
I admit that the thought of getting a lot of traffic to my blog is nice, but the question I have to ask myself is this: in the end is it the best thing for my blog? I am referring…
Of Pens and Other Publishing Methods
Publishing isn’t about getting a book on to a shelf, at least not all the time. What publishing is about is getting those thousand thoughts into some type of hard document. This is possibly not the easiest thing in the…
Wow, simply keep on writing!
I’m deep in my editing, and I’m pleased by that. I’ve not forgotten anyone, and I simply want to write a few notes of encouragement. 1) Some days you’ve got to write. 2) Some days it’s easy to write. 3)…
Do You have a Pen Name? Do You Publish Under a Pen Name?
There is a certain freedom to publishing a book under a pen name. There is also a freedom that comes with publishing under your regular name. The question could be asked, which is better for online publishing? As an example: I…
A Mistake Can Be Fixed… But It’s Best To Do That Before You Publish
Sometimes it’s hard to publish things online because no matter how much you check your work, there is always seems to be something you miss. No writer, or blogger is perfect and then it takes a team to fix any…
Self-Publishing can Be a Pain
I’m not against self-publishing a book, I am self-publishing a book (I prefer to call this independent publishing), but there are some days when it can be a real pain. This is most true when you have a lot of…