Publishing a Book and My Dreams of Success
To publish a book has been a dream of mine for so long, and to have that dream within arm’s reach is still such an unbelievable feeling. Dreams of success can be measured in different ways. It all depends on what you consider your success to be. I would consider some of the following to be my successes.
Getting my book published would be a huge accomplishment, when I think of all the new writers out there trying to capture there dream of becoming an author. I have just succeed in a big step towards capturing my dream, and am going to write a book. What an achievement.
Another success for me would be seeing my book for the first time on a shelf in a book store and knowing that my book is on the shelf next to well-known authors. What an incredible feeling it must be. I only hope that one day I will experience it for myself.
My dreams of success at this moment are limited, and only when my dream becomes a reality will my successes change.
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