What Do Your Readers Think About Self-Publishing?
Years ago no one cared to admit that they might have self-published a book. Years ago, to self-publish meant that you didn’t “have what it took” to find that publisher willing to take on your book, and when you shared with a potential reader that your book was self-published, the chances grew that they would not buy your book.
The big issue now is the content of your book and what you have to say to your readers. You must find a way to connect with them. A good example of passion is an established author who has a
strong following and then they loose that when they try something new. They might also gain new readers, if they are true to their new style or book — J.K. Rowling (Casual Vacancy) and Stephen King (11-22-63) are two writers who have faced both the good and bad effects of a change in style.

This means that I am more passionate about what I do. I want to find more readers and I enjoy the interaction with people and I believe that it is because I learned that writing is great — no matter what if I am passionate about it.
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J.L. Murphey
Check both questions answered yes. Even when I was traditionally published I had the same care for my readers.
Rebecca E.
it is very true, if you care about readers, then whatever you publish they will know it.